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Powerhouse Women

May 21, 2019

Today we are answering a question straight from YOU...our GirlGang - and that question is, “how do I build relationships with the women who are HUSTLING...maybe a step or two or ten beyond where I’m currently at.” This is a GREAT questions, and I have a few tips for you that I can’t wait to share!

In this episode you will learn:

  • One of the best investments you can make, to put yourself in the company of women who are hustling
  • How to get creative in connecting with people who have full schedules
  • What NOT to ask a person who you admire and want to learn from (and what TO ask instead)


Join us at Powerhouse Women 2019 in September! Early bird ticket prices expire May 31st, so register today and secure your spot!

Let’s be friends!